“Make it Happen” – Start off the business week with positive reinforcements, tips and tricks for helping yourself be successful in work, wellness, and wealth.

It’s April.

Uncle Sam’s favorite time of year…

IF you have not completed your taxes yet, Make it Happen.

There is only one more Monday left before you will need to file an extension or possibly risk the dreaded audit.

Let’s be real – neither you nor I can find anything specifically written about why it is a law to pay federal taxes. But we do. OR we understand bad things may happen if we choose not to.

In fact – Spoiler alert – Fun Fact Friday is going to shed some light on just WHY it is we pay income taxes and a few of the key players in how that all came to be.

But for now, Misfits, let’s talk Action.

If you have not done your taxes, take a few moments today and make a short list of what you need before you can officially say “I’ve done my taxes”.

Do you need to collect old receipts?

Jump on to TurboTax?

Hire someone?

Depending on the complexity of your home and work life, you may be able to just go online and use the forms offered by one of the software companies [such as TurboTax]. For others, paying a few hundred bucks and having a trained professional handle it is the best way to go.

Keep this as STRESS-FREE for yourself as humanly possible. It’s not worth getting flustered over – no matter what your state of affairs.

The bottom line is that whether you owe or you don’t owe – you are getting  $$ money $$

Here’s the deal:

If you get a Refund – this means that the Feds were holding on to YOUR money for an entire year and they are finally giving it back.

If you Owe – this means that YOU held on to an excess of what the Feds believed you should have. You had “their money” in YOUR Savings Account, collecting Interest…And now they want to have back the principal amount – BUT you made interest on THEIR money.

I’m not going to get political on ya’ll, but see it for what it is and make sure you check back Friday for more on the scoop.

Most importantly:

Don’t sweat it, the whole thing is sort of nonsense anyways; Stay calm. Make a simple list of what you need to do to submit everything, and sit down and do it.


Just Make It Happen.

Stay Well,



Questions? Comments?

Write below or email direct to write.with.ms@gmail.com

2 thoughts on “W.O.W. – MAKE IT HAPPEN MONDAY 04/06/15

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