W.O.W – SUNNY SUNDAY 08/16/15

“Sunny” – What would a Health Blog be without some uplifting, inspirational anecdotes and mantras?


“The moment I met you I saw that you were quite unconscious of what you really are, of what you might become. There was so much in you that charmed me that I felt I must tell you something about yourself. I thought how tragic it would be if you were wasted”

~Oscar Wilde


At first read this may sound like a depressing quote, but I urge you to read it again. This time hold in your mind’s eye someone that you love  – someone that you loved and lost.

Sometimes Life can feel like a wild ride of staged monotony, obligatory meet-ups, chance encounters and general anticlimactic chaos.

This Sunny Sunday, as we do each month, I am going to challenge you to go outside of this default reaction.

Read the quote a third time. Read it with the intention of promising to try to make your encounters – be they chance, monotonous, obligatory, or chaotic – as purposeful as possible. Look for the good in others. Tell people what they mean to you. Recognize a positive attribute, talent, or skill.

At the very least, smile. Smile at other people you happen to see, for it would be a waste of the goodness in you if you did not.

Stay Well,


W.O.W. – SUNNY SUNDAY 06/14/15

“Sunny” – What would a Health Blog be without some uplifting, inspirational anecdotes and mantras?


“Palaces of countless rulers, now but dust / Empires rise: people suffer / Empires fall: people suffer”

~C.K. Knoch, circa 1250

On that depressing note – happy Sunday!

Thanks for stopping by, until next month, bye-bye.


I wouldn’t leave you like that.

This is supposed to be an uplifting and inspirational day – what’s with the nihilism?

Have you ever heard a saying about how the tough days make you appreciate the good ones more? Or maybe something more akin to how the 5-day work week makes you appreciate the 2-day weekend more?

Well, at the heart of those messages is this notion that we are somewhere, somehow, WIRED to understand that nothing lasts forever and that it behooves us to appreciate what we have and always remember there is a second side to every coin…sometimes you are the bug, sometimes you are the windshield, etc, etc.

Still, you are probably wondering, HOW in the sam-hell is this uplifting me right now?

Breathe, relax.

The moment you are able to truly believe AND ACCEPT these two facts:

  1. All emotions are short-lived, be it happiness or devastation
  2. At times your happiness means someone else will be sad, and vice-versa so it’s all relative

Two other things occur:

  1. You find that deeper gratitude and joy for the little things comes easier to you
  2. You find it easier to let go and forgive people whom you believe have wronged you

So, this Sunday and always, remain aware of your place in this Universe. Go out, be brave, build your palace, but do it humbly.

Try not to crush others on your pursuit of happiness. And, instead of looking out across your kingdom, look next to you.

Until Next Time,

Take Care,





picture c/o magdalenaniziol.com

W.O.W. – SUNNY SUNDAY 04/12/15

“Sunny” – What would a Health Blog be without some uplifting, inspirational anecdotes and mantras?

To sail is necessary, to live is not”.


This quote is from an anonymous ancient Roman scribe.

In case anyone is fluent in Latin –  or perhaps attended Catholic school [cringe] such as myself and knows the infamous dead language – the original quote read as:

“Navigare est necesse, vivere non est necesse”

Whatever language you prefer, the message is the same.

Its point is that, while we do not have control over whether or not we came to be on this Earth, we do have control over what we do with our time and energy once we are here.

More importantly, it’s a brief reminder that what we choose does matter and, quite frankly, if we look throughout time, even when travel was not safe or even understood, we as humans appeared to have an innate drive to explore…to be taken from the ordinary world in which we know and see something else… to be a part of something else…

I’m challenging you Misfits:

Are you doing that? Are you following your human yearning to escape the mundane every now and again?

There will never be a perfect time to get away from your daily activities…the bill paying, the packing of school lunches, the laundry…there will always be something or someone beckoning your attention.

What an incredible age in which we live that we have programs such as Google Earth, high-tech GPS devices we can strap to our wrists, and lightning fast satellite coverage to link us to the these applications at all time…

But think about it… think about the lengths to which the Explorers went…or the original Homesteaders… YEARS it would take them to get from East Coast to West Coast…YEARS it would take and crazy dangerous voyages to reach parts unknown…parts that were thought to have sea monsters and possibly lead to that conspicuous place where you would sail right off the edge of the Earth…

But somehow, we went.

We understood there is more to life than comfort and routine.

Otherwise, it is not LIVING.

You don’t have to go far. Maybe you learn to practice more Mindfulness and Meditation and get away that way. Maybe you switch the furniture in your house or take a different route to the grocery store. The point is to see something new; to put yourself in a position to be changed, to be new.

Remember, living is a VERB.

So get out there, Misfits.

And, Sail.


Have a Sunny Sunday!

Stay Well,




Comment below or email direct to write.with.ms@gmail.com

W.O.W. – SUNNY SUNDAY 03/15/15

“Sunny” – What would a Health Blog be without some uplifting, inspirational anecdotes and mantras?


The killer whale’s heart weighs one hundred kilos but in other respects it is light”.


This quote is from an ancient Eastern poet.

Its point has remained extremely poignant over the years and we find similar sentiments in our culture hundreds of years later.

Have you ever talked to a friend who has a dog? Ever heard anyone say something akin to:

“god, that’s the life, right? Eating, barking, wandering around and occasionally dozing off all day…Not a care in the world…MUST BE NICE”

Oddly, we are told on one hand that as Homo Sapien Sapiens, we are the apex of creation because we have the ability to think critically and reason…however, this often burdens us with elements that our pets [and, similarly, the killer whale] seem not to have…elements such as guilt, shame, imperfection, and inadequacy.

As humans, there is a time and place for these elements, but they should be on your terms. And they should have the purpose of helping you to be a better person.

Not a worry wart wracked with anxiety and depression.

Make amends if they need to be made.



Have a Sunny Sunday!

Stay Well,


Comment below or email direct to write.with.ms@gmail.com


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Per usual, the The Daily Post [and anatomy] drive me to write poetry… Did you know that you are born with 270 bones and by the time you reach adulthood, you have 206?

Interesting, no?

How you live does matter. Do everything in your power not to destroy the beautiful machine that is your body and the beautiful light that is your soul. Mother Nature may be working against us, but all the same. ____________________________________________________________

Ask any doctor and you will hear

Of an anatomical truth they hold dear:

Her Bones

Upon birth there were two-seven-zero

The good ‘ol days

When her dad was her Hero

The wonder years

When she wasn’t afraid to look in the mirror

Time goes by

She doubts Mother Nature and flinches from Father Time

The days of two-seven-zero sit atop a mountain of lies she just can’t climb

Her Bones

Ask any doctor and you will hear

Of an anatomical truth they hold dear:

By the third decade of Life

She has encountered the winds of change and the aires of Strife

Now There is but two-zero-six

64 Lost

The threshold of Innocence has long since been crossed

It’s strange, you know?

She can’t recall choosing which got to stay

And which had to go

64 Lost

Surely, this can’t be right

How did so many slip through the cracks without recognition,

Let alone a Fight?

As she sat and pondered this unexpected plight

The evidence began to mount

The pains, the sorrows, they were more numerous than she could count

Her Bones

Of Courage

Of Cheer

Of Strength

Of Hope

Of Pride

Of Humor

Seem to have all but dried up

Was this what it meant to be an adult; to be mature?

There seemed to be so much disappointment one had to endure

She used to think she could never be quite sure

She sat at her desk, paper and pen, determined to disprove such a cynical path

But there it was, the price of Life, indeed had its Cost

Such painfully simple math

64 Lost




Why Saturdays and People Make Us Grateful

Happy Saturday Readers.

Saturday is a special day to a lot of us stereo-typical 9-5 working class people.

After all, it is the first full day of the week we did not have to step into a scene from Office Space

care of boss-behavior.com

care of boss-behavior.com

And it is the last day of the week we can rest our head on our pillow and know that we need not step into said scene tomorrow either.

That’s it, one day. That’s all us little peon humans get.

And some of us don’t even get that. Because we have 2 or 3 jobs to make ends meet.

These are the thoughts that occurred to me as I read the most recent Daily Post.

This post [in case you are adverse to clicking links] essentially prompts the writer to discuss the “best present ever received” – of course something not store/sweatshop-made was encouraged.

As usually with these prompts, I am driven to poetry. Hard and fast.

Please enjoy, and remember to appreciate those special people in your life.



How can it be so easy to forget the Joy?

How can it be so easy to forget the Fun?



There is little else like it

That familiar Presence of

Another one

I am One

You are One

Different but the Same


I hear you



That’s it?

We’re Done?

I’m not asking to replace your One

Just to realize I am here too

And I’ve loved you.




We push so hard to stand our Ground


Wandering the Wilderness

Those scandals of our Pasts

Those terrors of our Minds




To what avail?

Did we not once ask about the Lone Tree and whether or not it makes a sound?


How can it be so easy to forget the Joy?

How can it be so easy to forget the Fun?



There is little else like it

That familiar Presence of

Another one

We’ve known the answers for all of Time

Of this I am sure

But, listen

I wish to tell you what Life’s been like without You: A Blur

A White



Of Pain

Of Fury

I’m sorry, sir, I can’t give you the details

As I mentioned…

It’s all becoming blurry

I know You are out there

My quest is never done

How could it?



It is not so easy to forget the Joy

It is not so easy to forget the Fun

There is little else like it

That familiar Presence of

Another one


A Pressing of Time

Once again I find myself at the heels of poetry for the Daily Prompt
Click the link for full details.
2014-10-26 12.52.45

A Pressing of Time

Our time
Is coming to a close so quickly
I feel desperate to get through to you

This sensing of urgency

This pressing of time

I can’t seem to shake it from my mind.

What makes a month?

A week
A day

But the seconds

Those that pass with you

Those that pass with out

I’m feeling frustrated

I’m feeling stuck

Those seconds that pass

In your absence

Don’t feel worth very much
What is the ‘ pressing of time ‘ ?
It almost sounds hopeful
As if
If I squeeze Time tight enough
I can fit more into the tiny spaces of my World
Our time
Is coming to a close so quickly
I feel desperate to get through to you

This sensing of urgency

This pressing of time
I can’t seem to shake it from my mind.

Indeed my fellow Mis[ter] Fits, Life is too short to miss.
Be cognizant of your actions and recognize that Time, like the Ocean, must be respected for the power it holds.
For better or worse, Time cannot be pressed, pulled, elongated, twisted, or turned.
It is the finite “show” that must go on.
It waits for no one but yields to those who harness it.
Stay Well,

Defining ‘Minimalist’

Thanks to the Daily Post for creating another brilliant prompt. See Friday’s Photo challenge Here

“An artfully executed minimalist photograph is anything but mundane. It illustrates a moment in time, or an artistic perspective, with simplicity and grace.”


In this Age of Constant Entertainment and Consumerism, it can be difficult to slow down long enough to think about anything let alone thinking of having, doing, or being LESS.

And isn’t that what we are told a Minimalist is?

For a while now, the term “Minimalist” seems to be used in conjunction with the fan-fare of ‘Going Green’, being vegan, reducing you ‘Carbon Footprint’, doing hot yoga, and living off the grid.

None of which I am going to pass judgement on, right now anyways.

The point is, being Minimalist doesn’t have to mean foregoing things you like and enjoy. You don’t have to join a convent,  swear off cursing [pun intended], and eat only root vegetables. Unless of course you want to.

Adopting a Minimalist attitude can [and should, by definition] be Simple.

Cut the crap, loss the excess, stop and take inventory of how you spend your time and with whom spend it.

Most importantly, recognize that being a Minimalist can simply mean that you see your place in this World. You understand how small, how minimal – yet poignant- you are. You understand that both you and this world are fragile and must be taken care of together. You choose to live in awe of this fact – instead of seeing it as a threat to your personal desires and whims.


The Daily Post on Overload

Feeling the need to shake a little poetry into the Blogosphere on this Daily Post prompt

Simply put, the Challenge was this: “Everybody gets so much information all day long that they lose their common sense.” — Gertrude Stein
Do you agree?


care of williamstout.com

care of williamstout.com

Our World, so fast-paced

With the 3G, 4G, and telecom interlaced.

Our Children are learning how to love more things, but understanding less how to Love

Caught in the hustle and bustle, the traffic-jam mess,

We work more and Live less.

To turn off the noise, to shut it all out,

One must cease to rush, to pass, to shout.

But How

What with the Social Menagerie and All.

The Twittering-Tumblring-YouTubing

Linked-In to the Facebooking-Instagramming-Pintrest

Of which

Of course

You must express interest.

Let’s not forget the pull of Reality TV

You know, those people, whom we all apparently wish we could be?

But wait

Have you seen them?

Their self-absorbed consumption and over the top looks –

Just what, exactly, do you believe

Is their track record with books?

Do we even care anymore? Have we got a clue?

About education? And family?

You know those things we supposedly value…

It’s amazing how quick we are to complain

About Government, inflation, and the rain

It’s easy to hide behind the many screens

Amidst the sound bites, the live feeds, the constant information streams

We “Like” and “Pin” and “Share”

But do we really know what it means?


Lie Down.

Not to Sleep. Just to Wonder.

Open your mind’s eye to the years gone by.

Breathe Deep.

Drink it all in.


We are who we are now because of where we’ve been.

Slow Down.

Body and Mind

Feel yourself removed from the daily Grind.

Shut off the peripheral sounds.




Until the last floorboard has creaked

And the nightingale’s song is done


Do one thing everyday to reclaim your sanity

And you just might find

That in these simple acts

We shall reclaim Humanity.


The Daily Post: A Tribute to Irony’s Mother


A beautiful post challenge as always  – this is my response to The Daily Post :  10,000 Spoons

…When all you need is a knife might not be ironic, but it is unfortunate. Add your own verse, stanza, or story of badly-timed annoyance to Alanis Morissette’s classic.


Miss Fit Says:


It’s the alarm clock, when you wanna stay in bed/

It’s the twice-made mistake, even after all that’s been said